Join Us on the 1st Friday of the Month for online Friday Night Shabbat Service lead by Rabbi Peter Schaktman
Join us on all other Fridays at 6 pm when we gather on Zoom for about 30 minutes to greet each other, light shabbat candles, say hamotzi blessing for challah and kiddush for the wine.
Meeting ID: 885 3484 9746
Passcode: OJO
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 3484 9746
Passcode: OJO
Meet the board:
President: George Apter
Co-Vice Presidents: Melanie Rabiroff, Veronica Abney
Co-Secretaries: Karen Kimbrell, Hank Trapido-Rosenthal
Co-Treasurers: Harvey Rackmil., Lynne Rackmil
At-Large Members:
Sue Brown, Katie Friedman, Sharon Gordon,
Paul Gracie, Hannah Hall, Yahna Kawaʻa,
Alma Lemus, Jean Rosenfeld
OJO Mailing Address
4348 Waialae Ave #931, Honolulu, HI 96816
© 2020 O'ahu Jewish 'Ohana